Student leadership in the classroom
Feb 21, 2024
I’ve spent 30 years helping primary schools train their student leaders. In that time, I’ve assisted hundreds of teachers in Australia, Singapore, and Britain to bring leadership to the fore. I’ve...
Supporting School Captains And Other Leaders: The Ultimate Guide.
Feb 2, 2024
Being a school captain or another leadership position can be a significant step for many students. Many school captains and other student leaders often feel overwhelmed, especially during the first...
Supercharge Your Student Leadership Induction Program With These 7 Must-haves.
Jan 9, 2024
The election speeches are done. The votes are in and counted. Your school captains, house captains, and other leaders have been chosen. They’re excited. So are their parents. They’re ready to be let...
The ultimate 12-month student leadership plan
Jan 9, 2024
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” This Benjamin Franklin quote is a perfect reminder that hope is not a plan when it comes to anything in life and that includes education. At...
More fun student leadership activities
Jan 8, 2024
Leadership is one of the most important skill areas that children can learn at school. Here are some simple activities that you can try in your classroom or at home to develop their innate...
Unlocking the power of leadership in kids – a parent’s guide
Dec 11, 2023
Every child is a leader in waiting, although not everyone sees it that way. Leadership in families is usually bestowed on the eldest child. We expect more from first borns than from children in any...
Qualities of a good student leader
Dec 11, 2023
Do you know what qualities of a good student leader? If you’re not sure, then don’t despair. You’re not on your own. A recent survey asking teachers in the US to name the qualities of a good student...
10 leadership activities for students -primary school
Dec 5, 2023
Leadership activities help students to develop essential leadership skills as they prepare for their future roles in society. Leadership activities can help students communicate effectively,...
How can I become a student leader?
Nov 27, 2023
So, you’re thinking about becoming a student leader in your primary school. Good for you. It’s great that you want to step up and serve your fellow students and teachers. Being a student leader...
The ACTIVE student leadership movement
Nov 23, 2023
The boom in student leadership in primary schools is inspiring. It’s wonderful to see so senior students actively involved in SERVICE in so many ways. There’s Anna in Year 5, who organised a book...
10 student leadership games for primary school
Nov 20, 2023
Student leadership games are great fun, highly engaging and great at developing essential leadership skills. Leadership skills are essential for success in life, but they are not always taught in...
8 ways to better student leadership
Nov 14, 2023
Did you know that there’s a student leadership program boom in primary schools? It’s so smart student leadership incorporates many positive factors that schools work so hard to produce. Factors such...