We’ve combined our programs and guides to offer you maximum flexibility and to fit every school or teacher budget.

Put you toe in the water with our Starter Pack– an 8 session program introducing Young Leaders principles to the second last year of primary school. Want to involve all senior school students? Our Premium Pack is for you. Build on the previous year’s work with these 8 practical sessions, including an at home project so families learn about Young Leaders too.

Want to train and support your elected school leaders? The Premium Plus Pack contains a road-tested Induction Program and a world-first Mentoring Program to fast-track their leadership development.

Developing student leadership has never been easier or more affordable.

    Save $49
    Starter Pack

    Starter Pack

    PDF download includes:

    • Part 1: Personal Leadership
    • Goal Setting Guide

    Save $49 while setting your students on the path to leadership success


    Save $198
    Premium Pack

    Premium Pack

    PDF download includes:

    • Part 1: Personal Leadership
    • Part 2: Public Leadership
    • Goal Setting Guide

    Consolidate learning and save ($198) with our premium pack that has leadership learning covered in the last two years of primary school.


    Save $296
    Premium Plus Pack

    Premium Plus Pack

    PDF download includes:

    • Part 1: Personal Leadership
    • Part 2: Public Leadership
    • Part 3: Induction & Mentoring
    • Goal Setting Guide
    • Journaling Guide

    Now you’ll have all your student leadership bases covered while making big savings ($296).
