The service model of student leadership

The service model of student leadership

Student lead service projects achieve the leadership trifecta – they develop essential skills, build good will throughout your school and benefit the broader community. They are a practical demonstration of what your school stands for, showing that you’re part of the...
The making of modern student leadership

The making of modern student leadership

Student agency through student leadership is now a feature of many Australian primary schools. It’s now common to see students speaking with confidence in public leadership settings, Student Representative Councils and school leadership team organising student...
Student leadership in the classroom

Student leadership in the classroom

I’ve spent 30 years helping primary schools train their student leaders. In that time, I’ve assisted hundreds of teachers in Australia, Singapore, and Britain to bring leadership to the fore. I’ve been in primary schools that do leadership well, and not so well,...
How can I become a student leader?

How can I become a student leader?

 So, you’re thinking about becoming a student leader in your primary school. Good for you. It’s great to see that you want to step up and serve your fellow students and your teachers. Being a student leader isn’t easy. For a start, you’ve got to give up some of your...