Student Leadership Olympics – A Practical Guide.

Student Leadership Olympics – A Practical Guide.

As the 2024 Olympics in Paris finally begins, Australian primary schools can capitalise on this global event by hosting their own Student Leadership Olympics. This initiative can provide a fun and engaging way for students to develop essential leadership skills and...
5 ways that show you value leadership from students.

5 ways that show you value leadership from students.

Your values are revealed by your behaviours. If you value learning, you will continually update your skills and acquire new knowledge. Your behaviour reveals to the world that you truly value learning. Similarly, it’s actions that show whether teachers (and schools)...
Goal setting for student leaders

Goal setting for student leaders

Nine-year-old Max wanted to go in a 5-kilometre fun run, but he thought the distance was beyond him. His parents did an incredible thing. They didn’t console him and tell him he could do it when he was older. Instead, they got to work preparing him for the...
The service model of student leadership

The service model of student leadership

Student lead service projects achieve the leadership trifecta – they develop essential skills, build good will throughout your school and benefit the broader community. They are a practical demonstration of what your school stands for, showing that you’re part of the...
The making of modern student leadership

The making of modern student leadership

Student agency through student leadership is now a feature of many Australian primary schools. It’s now common to see students speaking with confidence in public leadership settings, Student Representative Councils and school leadership team organising student...
Student leadership in the classroom

Student leadership in the classroom

I’ve spent 30 years helping primary schools train their student leaders. In that time, I’ve assisted hundreds of teachers in Australia, Singapore, and Britain to bring leadership to the fore. I’ve been in primary schools that do leadership well, and not so well,...