“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
This Benjamin Franklin quote is a perfect reminder that hope is not a plan when it comes to anything in life and that includes education.
At Young Leaders Program we encourage schools to think ahead, but act in the present.
A great way to make sure you think ahead is to produce a calendar of future events-in the case of student leadership, that’s at least twelve months ahead.
To assist you with this process we’ve created a simple (sample) calendar of events referencing the Young Leaders Program.
- Review current year’s student leaders, their roles and tasks.
- Prepare the Induction Program activities for student leaders.
- Ensure the role descriptions for each position are relevant and up-to-date.
- Identify school and community events (such as sports days, school camps and Anzac Day) that will involve student leaders during the coming year.
- Conduct a one-day, in-school training program for student leadership team
- Begin mentoring program with elected leaders (Part 3: Mentoring and Support)
- Student leaders identify key tasks and projects for the year ahead.
- School leaders welcomed at school assembly with parents present.
- Create a Class emotional intelligence charter for all senior classes. (Available in Part 1 Young Leaders Program)
- Introduce weekly a leadership game to each senior class
- In-class leadership program (Part 1/2 Young Leaders Program) for all students
- Hold end of term support meeting for student leaders.
- Discuss and organise the clubs program for term 2
- Involvement of school leaders in Anzac Day activities in-school and outside school as ambassadors, organisers, or presenters.
- Review the Class emotional intelligence charters.
- Review the mentoring program with student leaders.
- Ensure each student leader is involved in at least one major student led in-school project, activity, and program under way this term.
- Assist students with their project planning and implementation.
- Implement 4 week Club program including friendship, wellbeing and chess clubs
- End of term support meeting.
- Review leadership tasks and responsibilities with students and make changes accordingly.
- Conduct Leadership Olympics * with all senior students as a follow-up to the 2024 Olympic Games
- Re-engage student leaders with their tasks and roles.
- Students revisit role statements/Coat of Arms they created and redo or create a mission statement.
* Leave a comment below to let us know if you want to know more about the Leadership Olympics
- Ensure student-led out of school projects, programs, and activities under way involving all student leaders.
- Review Class Emotional Intelligence Charters with all students.
- Commence 4 week lunchtime club program for younger classes
- End of term support and review meeting with student leaders
- Remind students that elections for next year’s will be held in early November. Send information home to parents about upcoming elections outlining how they can prepare students at home.
- Call for nominations for all leadership positions in 2024.
- Current leaders meet with nominees to share their learnings and ideas.
- Election speeches prepared and reviewed.
- Online Summit # 1 for Young Leaders Schools.
- Election speeches given to students and parents
- Elections held and positions announced for coming year.
- Current leaders finish off this year’s projects and tasks.
- Current leaders review the year and consider the legacy.
- Handover of roles from current to next year’s meeting.
- Final thanks your event for current leaders with senior teachers, parents, and next year’s leaders.
- Current leaders thank their mentors and share their learnings with them.
- Online Summit #2 Young Leaders Schools
Want a dynamic student leadership program in your school that teachers, students and parents will love?
The Young Leaders Program is designed for Australian students, by Australian teachers and is being used by schools to engage students in every state.
And it’s available now.